Authenticating your userΒΆ


It is possible to login user using API key instead of connection token. This is a deprecated behaviour that will be dropped on June the 15th, 2021.

Most of Partoo App pages requires the user to be authenticated.

To authenticate your user, you must generate a connection token using Partoo REST API. You can find the documentation of the endpoint here.

Once your connection token is generated, you can authenticate your user using the login method of the partooPage object.

partooPage.login('the-connection-token');  // this will log user and redirect him/her to the startPage (by default the business list)

This will make a call to partoo login view with the connection token in the query params. Our application will recognize the connection token and return a JWT token. Thanks to this JWT token, the user will stay authenticated on the following calls.

Once the JWT token is expired you must re-authenticate the user. As a connection token is short-lived & consumable, ie. it can be used only once, you need to implement a integration to easily regenerate a connection token when your user access a protected view. You can find below the schema of a possible integration:

Authentication schema example